Yesterday was a very long day.  Packing, taking a taxi ride which should have been less 15 minutes but the driver pretended to either be deaf or lost, flying on SW, renting a car, ..driving in the rain to pick up my son, running a necessary errand and getting lost, finally off to SF, still hungry…  driving and more driving till I returned the  rental car and we finally arrived at the Hyatt Regency at SFO.  All we wanted was R & R and a nice meal.   Unbeknownst to us, the hotel’s kitchen was under renovation so the hotel was offering an extremely limited menu whether in the restaurant or room service.  This consisted of  3 carefully selected diverse items; only the most expensive.  Needless to say, I wasn’t thrilled.  But after a nice brief talk with the manager, dinner was on Hyatt.  Singapore Air here we come!